Winter Apple Tree Pruning

It’s February, Apple trees look dormant at the moment but under the bark, sap will be rising and if you look closely the buds will be swelling, ready to awaken and burst into leaf and flower.

Flower bud is much rounder, leaf bud is pointed and flatter on the stem

In flower, a tree expends a lot of energy and it is at this time when the tree is at its most vulnerable, and susceptible to pest and disease. Once the tree is in flower it is not recommended to undertake work, the exception being if the tree presents an overriding safety issue.

Stems with a tight union can break apart, wider unions are structurally stronger.

Pruning a tree when it is dormant removes the least amount of energy producing tissue and arguably causes the least amount of stress to the tree. It is important to think about what you are trying to achieve when you plan to prune your tree, ideally you want a good scaffold branch structure, remove dead or diseased tissue and think about how you will harvest fruit. If the fruit is very high up in the canopy you may need to think about how to safely retrieve it and more comprehensive crown reduction work.

Winter apple tree pruned by Oak Leaf Tree Services

Japanese tripod ladders are the safest, most stable and most practical tree pruning ladder. They are ideal for topiary, fruit tree pruning, fruit picking and hedge work. Niwaki Tripod Ladders have a wide base, deep steps and telescopic back leg, as well as clawed feet and flat top make them incredibly safe and easy to use. Rather like the design of the Eiffel tower, your weight is directed downwards and outwards, pinning the ladder to the ground.

It is important to get the branch structure right early on, for young trees and newly planted stock, you should look to remove co-dominant stems or those that have a very narrow union. There is new thinking about cross branches, that some should be retained as they act as a natural brace, but if you want to achieve an open canopy that is easily accessible think about access to the inner branch structure of the tree.

Fewer cuts, with the smallest amount of surface area will be easier for the tree to heal, very large cuts into old wood can lead to decay establishing and eventually lead to structural weakness. This is the primary reason young tree maintenance is so important to get right.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote  – 07920 067617

Norfolk Arb terminology explained

Arboriculture or ‘arbThrough the canopy of Oak Leaf Trees an expert tree care company in Norfolk‘ terminology can seem puzzling when it talks of things like ‘technical crown reductions’, here’s a few of the most common technical tree surgery procedures…

  1. Crown Reduction is where pruning work manages the size and shape of the whole tree by correct technical pruning. This pruning reduces end weight of limbs. Trees that are diseased or decayed can break apart or split. This tree surgery can help retain the tree safely for longer and is routinely recommended for trees near highways or in public spaces.
  2. Every tree and species is different, Fruit Trees particularly benefit from the Selective Reduction and Thinning pruning techniques which include the removal of sub dominant or weak branches. This opens the tree to light and air flow.  Improving the correct growth and helping increase fruit yields.
  3. Formative Pruning improves the structural form of a tree which will establish a good solid framework for the future health of the tree. This helps young and poorly maintained trees re-establish good form.
  4. Pollarding totally transforms the shape and visual look of a tree. Pollarding dates back hundreds of years and was used to harvest the new straight growing branches.  This technique is still used today as it maintains a trees size and looks visually appealing.
  5. Removing dead and dying branches or ‘Deadwooding‘ improves the trees appearance, makes the tree safer and can promote new healthy regrowth.
  6. Tree Felling or dismantling needs a qualified tree surgeon.  Trees can hold tons of timber in their limbs which needs to be carefully and expertly removed to avoid damage to person and property.  We carry £5 million pound Public Liability Insurance and have over 16 years of professional experience felling and removing trees of all sizes.

Simon Gerrard from Oak Leaf Tree Surgery is able to assess your tree and give options to achieving the best results safely.  Text or Give us a Bell Now for your Free No Obligation Tree Felling and Tree Cutting Quote  – 07920 067617

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