On Thursday 5th July, the day before the Britain in Bloom 2017 judging of Melksham in Wiltshire, contractors turned up in the town centre and started to fell the iconic market place trees as part of a planned development.
Melksham in Bloom committee members and local residents were reduced to tears after hours of voluntary hard work cleaning & primping Melksham for the eagerly awaited contest. “It is a huge honour and matter of pride to be entered into this contest” one resident was quoted. “The contractors left a huge mess on the pristine market place” a Melksham in Bloom Committee member said. Wilshire Council have since apologised for their bad timing and work will recommence on the tree removal and replanting inline with the new development.
Although a long way from Norfolk it pays to have a local tree surgeon who is aware of local events and organisations to make sure tree removal is a smooth process. The waste generated from trees in full leaf is enormous, make sure you know who’s left to clear-up before you accept a quote. Reputable Tree Surgeons will have the equipment to mulch tree waste and remove it from your property as part of the job.
Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote – 07920 067617