Norfolk Arborist Blog

Glorious May sunshine! Managing young Trees

This time of year, certainly in East Anglia, the month of May can bring some glorious weather. The combination of sunny weather and low levels of rain can leave a newly planted tree with water stress which can lead to trees failing to establish. Watch out for wilting tips, especially on new growth.

Simon Gerrard from Oak Leaf Tree Surgery has helped advise the committee for the new HMS Invincible childrens’ Play Park in Happisburgh on their young Holm Oaks (Quercus ilex). The trees were planted in 2015 and not only have sandy free draining soil but the harsh coastal environment to contend with.

In the first few years trees are settling into their new environment and establishing a root system. The trees will have had daily care in the nursery – they are now fending for themselves in the landscape. Make sure you provide enough water for your newly planted trees, a good soaking or about 25 litres every week should keep them thriving.

Top Tip! Try timing yourself filling a 25 litre container with your hose. That way you can allocate the right amount of watering for each tree.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote  – 07920 067617

The Importance of getting a Qualified Norfolk Tree Surgeon

As a customer, it’s really important you make sure that your chosen Norfolk Tree Surgeon is qualified.  Trees can hold tonnes of weight in their limbs sometimes at heights taller than most houses. Tree surgery is a highly skilled profession and can be risky if undertaken incorrectly.  Some people claim to be ‘Tree Surgeons’ but don’t hold Industry Standard certificates of technical competence & training.

Here is a complete list of recognised qualifications.

Simon Gerrard from Oak Leaf Tree Surgery holds the following certifications and is fully insured with Public Liability Insurance to take on your tree care job. Rest assured you’re in Safe, Professional hands with a Qualified Tree Surgeon with over 16yrs experience within the Public Sector (Norwich City Council Tree Department) and in the Private Tree Care sector.

  • NPTC City & Guilds Certificate of Competence in Chainsaw & related operations
  • NPTC City & Guilds in supporting colleagues in off the ground tree operations
  • NPTC City & Guilds Certificate of Competence in Pruning Operations & Dismantling Operations
  • NPTC City & Guilds Certificate of Competence in Climb a tree & Conduct an aerial rescue
  • NPTC City & Guilds Certificate of Competence in using a Chainsaw from a rope & harness
  • NPTC City & Guilds Certificate of attendance in basic tree climbing and aerial rescue
  • NPTC City & Guilds Certificate of safe use of pesticdes
  • LANTRA Certificate of Arboriculture and bats
  • Operating Certificate in mobile elevated work platforms
  • First Aid at Work
  • LANTRA Certificate in Woodchipper training
  • National Construction College certificate in Signing, Lighting & Guarding
  • Certificate of Training in New Roads and Streetwork act 1991
  • National Construction College certificate in Location & avoidance of underground apparatus
  • MPH Telehandler training to 9 metres

    Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote  – 07920 067617

Video – felling of a tall, mature tree

This large tree was felled by Simon in the open Norfolk countryside. Trees can hold tonnes of weight and need the technical know-how to remove them safely. Ground crews play an important part safe guarding the ground areas.

Norfolk Arb terminology explained

Arboriculture or ‘arbThrough the canopy of Oak Leaf Trees an expert tree care company in Norfolk‘ terminology can seem puzzling when it talks of things like ‘technical crown reductions’, here’s a few of the most common technical tree surgery procedures…

  1. Crown Reduction is where pruning work manages the size and shape of the whole tree by correct technical pruning. This pruning reduces end weight of limbs. Trees that are diseased or decayed can break apart or split. This tree surgery can help retain the tree safely for longer and is routinely recommended for trees near highways or in public spaces.
  2. Every tree and species is different, Fruit Trees particularly benefit from the Selective Reduction and Thinning pruning techniques which include the removal of sub dominant or weak branches. This opens the tree to light and air flow.  Improving the correct growth and helping increase fruit yields.
  3. Formative Pruning improves the structural form of a tree which will establish a good solid framework for the future health of the tree. This helps young and poorly maintained trees re-establish good form.
  4. Pollarding totally transforms the shape and visual look of a tree. Pollarding dates back hundreds of years and was used to harvest the new straight growing branches.  This technique is still used today as it maintains a trees size and looks visually appealing.
  5. Removing dead and dying branches or ‘Deadwooding‘ improves the trees appearance, makes the tree safer and can promote new healthy regrowth.
  6. Tree Felling or dismantling needs a qualified tree surgeon.  Trees can hold tons of timber in their limbs which needs to be carefully and expertly removed to avoid damage to person and property.  We carry £5 million pound Public Liability Insurance and have over 16 years of professional experience felling and removing trees of all sizes.

Simon Gerrard from Oak Leaf Tree Surgery is able to assess your tree and give options to achieving the best results safely.  Text or Give us a Bell Now for your Free No Obligation Tree Felling and Tree Cutting Quote  – 07920 067617

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Find Us in North Walsham Guide (an online directory)

It’s tricky as a new business to become an established household name, especially in Norfolk! It is generally a slow process of building a good reputation and gathering a word of mouth customer base.  This can also be done online with I ♥ The North Walsham Guidethe North Walsham Guide – helping customers find and rate good services & businesses in our area. Find Oak Leaf Tree Surgery in North Walsham Guide and in the

Norfolk nesting birds in Spring

Nesting Birds in Norfolk Spring TimeSpring time is here and our native birds will be nesting, it is important to not disturb them and there are laws to protect their nesting periods.  The sap will be move up through the trees, they’ll be getting ready to wake and produce their leaves. Now is a good time to clear weeds from around the bases of trees and to add mulch. In hot, dry spells don’t forget to water your newly planted trees.

You might notice some trees that have died, we can remove them or if you’re able to leave a standing deadwood habitat, call us to advise on how best to retain it safely.  We also have all the latest advice on nesting bird legislation.   Give us a call today on 07920 067617

Storm Damaged Trees by Doris!

23rd Feb 2017 saw Storm Doris cut across the country with 94mph recorded winds.  Trees can be particularly vulnerable to high winds if ‘dead wood’ has not been routinely removed.

Tree damage after a storm in Norfolk

The country roads across Norfolk have lots of large, old verge side trees.  Many of these have large limbs – some of which are ‘dead’ but still remain on the tree until they naturally fall (or strong winds help the process!) This can be a worry for home & land owners with large trees on their property.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery has the experience to deal with the aftermath of storm damaged trees.  The key is to safely & quickly remove the obstacle to prevent accidents or further property damage.

Norfolk Fruit Tree Problems

How to successfully manage fruit trees is one of the most asked questions.  Many of these things can be done yourself with some expert guidance. Simon Gerrard from Oak Leaf Trees has the technical knowledge to help improve the health of your tree, from the cottage gardener to larger orchards.

In rural Norfolk we see a lot of country gardens with overgrown fruit trees. Bramley apple trees especially can get very large, it’s important to bring them back into shape for the health of the tree and optimum fruit production.  When fruit trees are allowed to get overgrown they block light from the ground below and within the tree itself. Branches need to be selectively thinned to prevent congestion, which will rub on the fruit and leave the harvest spoilt.  Fruit trees that have been heavily thinned or selectively reduced usually bare a good harvest the following year.

Insects can play a part in benefiting yields or hindering growth and productions.  A site assessment will help in gaining an overall picture; correctly identifying fungus, the location, neighbouring plants & trees, feeding & watering regimes as they all play a part in tree health.

Text or Call Now for your Free, No Obligation Fruit Tree Quote  – 07920 067617

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