Norfolk Arborist Blog

The many uses for Tree Surgery mulch in your Norfolk garden

The byproduct of Tree Surgery is mulch. Mulch is made when tree debris is put through a machine called a chipper.  The chipper reduces the debris volume by smashing it into smaller pieces. This makes transporting waste off site more efficient. 

Mulch is organic and full of nutrients. It can have many uses for the cottage gardener in providing a weed barrier on flower or vegetable beds. It can also be used when planting new hedges or trees as the mulch slowly degrades it enriches the soil whilst surprising weed growth. 

Mulch is very effective in combating mud on pathways, paddock gateways & in animal enclosures.  It helps keep areas cleaner, drier and more hygienic. It is also a cost effective alternative to plastic grass matting & concreting.

Call Today for a Garden Mulch delivery quote from Oak Leaf Tree Surgery 07920 067617.


Melksham in Bloom disaster!

On Thursday 5th July, the day before the Britain in Bloom 2017 judging of Melksham in Wiltshire, contractors turned up in the town centre and started to fell the iconic market place trees as part of a planned development.

Melksham in Bloom committee members and local residents were reduced to tears after hours of voluntary hard work cleaning & primping Melksham for the eagerly awaited contest.  “It is a huge honour and matter of pride to be entered into this contest” one resident was quoted. “The contractors left a huge mess on the pristine market place” a Melksham in Bloom Committee member said.  Wilshire Council have since apologised for their bad timing and work will recommence on the tree removal and replanting inline with the new development.

Although a long way from Norfolk it pays to have a local tree surgeon who is aware of local events and organisations to make sure tree removal is a smooth process.  The waste generated from trees in full leaf is enormous, make sure you know who’s left to clear-up before you accept a quote.  Reputable Tree Surgeons will have the equipment to mulch tree waste and remove it from your property as part of the job.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote  – 07920 067617

Leylandii hedge dead spots

Unfortunately this leylandii hedge has been trimmed passed the last growing point. Leylandii will not reshoot growth once cut passed this point so the hedge will have permanent, unsightly ‘dead spots’.

The owners decided to totally remove this part of the hedge and replant. New planting should be ideally done in the colder months of October-March.  Planting in the warmer months will require regular watering especially in the growing season for the first year.

Leylandii (xCupressocyparis leylandii) is one of the fastest growing hedge plants (approx 90cm per year!) and is ideal for a dense, quick growing, cost effective evergreen hedge.

Evergreen hedges can offer not only a visual all-year-round- screen, a noise reduction from roads and a good wind break.  The key to a healthy, dense leylandii hedge is to carry out regular trims (twice yearly) always leaving growth behind the trim.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote  – 07920 067617

Trees blocking roadside visibility

Lush Summer tree growth in NorfolkHow many times have you seen overhanging branches on Norfolk country roads, especially after a down pour? This lush summer growth on trees is a good sign they are healthy and happy.  But for the safety of road users this ‘over hang’ needs to be kept in check for good road visibility.

If you have trees next to the entrance of your property they can obstruct your line of sight and present a danger to you and other road users.

Norfolk roadside trees are the responsibility of Norfolk County Council and private landowners.  To report a problem tree to NCC click here. Alternatively, Oak Leaf Tree Surgery are qualified & insured to work in the highway to carry tree surgery.

After a Summer down pour you’ll notice tree branches hanging lower with the extra weight of new growth and moisture. On pathways this can leave you with a wet slap in the face! All these excellent growing conditions mean many trees need maintenance to keep sight lines clear and accesses free from obstructions.

Seasonal pruning is key to keeping your paths and driveways clear and safe. Call today for your FREE no obligation Tree Surgery Quote 07920 067617.

Felling large overgrown urban trees

Simon Gerrard felling a horse chestnut tree in Norfolk

Sometimes trees just get too big for their surroundings.  Around Norfolk we see this a lot in built up areas where a trees size has not been managed.

This magnificent horse chestnut had been pollarded historically then left to grow again.  The customer decided due to its size, close proximity to buildings and the over hang onto neighbouring property it was best to completely remove.

It is always a balance in urban areas between trees & buildings.  Getting some good planting advice is essential, not just for the trees health but to future proof its location.  Thinking about what your little sapling will mature into and how it will impact on the immediate environment. Experienced tree surgeons can help manage the size of large canopy trees every few years with correct technical pruning.

Tree management on your property should be ongoing, it doesn’t need to cost a fortune and may just involve a quick check-up and some small limb removal – for peace of mind that you’re not storing a problem for a windy day!

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote  – 07920 067617

Norfolk’s Coastal Trees

Trees along our Norfolk Coastline face extreme and harsh growing conditions.  Especially trees faced with those biting North / Easterly winds (in places like Cromer, Mundesley, Bacton, Happisburgh and Waxham).  They often have a distinct shape or “form” where the tree appears to be cowering away from the onshore winds.

Coastal trees are often much slower growing and species you would expect to be large canopy trees are dwarfed by the harsh winter winds. If you don’t take this into account when pruning these trees you can easily take too much off and this can lead to sever die-back.

The Norfolk soil conditions can be challenging too, and changes in the soil makeup can vary hugely in a relatively small area. It is important to choose new species wisely that are well adapted to this environment & potential wind burn.

Coastal gardens & trees can flourish with expert help.  Creating ‘shelter belts’ with choice planting, will lift & slow sea winds making an easier place for other species to thrive.  East Ruston Old Vicarage Gardens, just 1.5 miles from Happisburgh & the North Sea, have created a successful natural wind break using mainly the quick growing Monterey pine (Pinus radiata).  They’ve achieved a micro climate within the gardens which has enabled them to grow species unheard of for this area.

It is also important to note along the coast it can be difficult to retain organic matter or natural mulch and this is why it can be so beneficial to trees, especially newly planted trees, to add good quality mulch.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote  – 07920 067617

Norfolk Tree Preservation Orders

Tree Preservation Orders in Norfolk are vital for protecting our arboricultural heritage, the feel and amenity of an area, especially in designated Norfolk Conservation areas.

The Norfolk Local authorities are responsible for serving and administering the orders and tree work applications in the county. They take it seriously when the rules are breached.

In March 2016,  North Norfolk District Council fined a company and its director £25,000 for felling two protected trees.

Qualified & reputable Tree Surgeons understand Tree Preservation Orders & Conservation area regulations and will help you work with the Local Authority.

A Tree Protection Order prohibits the:

  • cutting down
  • topping
  • lopping
  • uprooting
  • wilful damage
  • wilful destruction

of trees without the local planning authority’s written consent. If consent is given, it can be subject to conditions which have to be followed. In the Secretary of State’s view, cutting roots is also a prohibited activity and requires the authority’s consent.

You are in contravention of a Tree Preservation Order by

  • cutting down, uprooting or willfully destroying a tree; or
  • top, lop or willfully damage a tree in a way that is likely to destroy it; or
  • causes or permits such activities…and will be guilty of an offence. If convicted in the magistrates court, you could be fined up to £20,000. In serious cases a person may be committed for trial in the Crown Court and, if convicted, is liable to an unlimited fine. Contact Simon to make sure your application is correct,  it is essential to employ a qualified & knowledgeable arborist to work on your behalf.

Text or Call Now for your Free No Obligation TPO Quote  – 07920 067617

Ash Tree die back in Norfolk

Ash trees are often the last of the native trees to come into leaf, but they should be in full leaf by late Spring. If you notice your ash tree has thinned out, has deadwood in the canopy or you can see a lot of sky through the tree as you look up, your tree might have ash die back.

Ash die back (Chalara) is caused by a fungi called Hymenoscyphus fraxineus more reading can be found on the Forestry commission website;

There is currently no cure for ash die back, ash trees across Norfolk and Suffolk have been found to be infected with it.

Ash die back‘ can cause deadwood to establish in ash trees, when a large proportion of the canopy has died it maybe time to remove. Special disposal arrangements are needed to ensure infection is contained and not spread to non infected areas. Burning on site is recommended.

As always, trees that are dead or dying can be valuable habitat and support local ecosystems, however if your tree is in falling distance of people or property we advise to get a Professional Norfolk Tree Surgeon to it checked out. Oak leaf Tree Surgery can give you a free no obligation quote.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote  – 07920 067617

How Much does it cost to Fell a Tree in Norfolk?

Tools used by Tree care company Oak Leaf Trees, tree surgeons in Norfolk
Tools used by Tree care company Oak Leaf Trees, tree surgeons based near North Walsham in Norfolk

The price to fell a tree is unfortunately a ‘how long is a piece of string’ question. Every tree and location is unique, some less skilled Norfolk tree surgeons are unable to help customers in built up areas or with large or technical tree issues.  Our advice to any customer is the cheapest quote maybe not the best quote.

Reputable Tree Surgeons will want a site visit to view the job first hand.  Be suspicious of over-the-phone quotes.  Talk to the tree surgeon that’ll be carrying out the work.  If they are genuine they will have time to answer all your questions, however silly you may feel.  It is important that you understand what will happen as it will be noisy, messy & very different after they leave.  A bit like the difference between having a good or bad haircut, however, a bad ‘hair cut’ for a tree may reduce its life or leave weaknesses that could compromise the trees structural integrity.

Some good ones to ask;

  1. What will happen with the waste? The clearing up and ‘chipping’ of the waste can take as much time as felling a tree.  Make sure you’re not left to tidy up.
  2. Do they have Public Liability Insurance?  For your piece of mind!
  3. How long have they been trained for?  There’s many ‘fresh out of college’ tree surgeons starting up each year in Norfolk. Experience is KEY, it takes years to acquire a broad spectrum of tree experience.
  4. Ask, ask again and ask some more if you’re not sure.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote  – 07920 067617


The Dangers of Sycamore seedlings for horses

Sycamore seedlings are now becoming established with the wet & warm Spring weather.  The seedlings if found in equine pastures can prove fatal if ingested by grazing horses, ponies and donkeys.  It is important to control access to grazing in affected areas at this time of year.

Tree Surgery can be beneficial in reducing the spread of seedlings by removing limbs, overall tree height or complete removal if necessary. More information on signs of ‘Atypical myopathy’ in equines can be found on the BHS website here.

Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote  – 07920 067617