Trees sharing our built environment can outgrow their settings, potentially causing anxiety to owners and neighbours due to their size. However, felling is not always the answer. In the case below, the canopy of this mature cedar was carefully reduced away from the owners roof. The tree was able to be preserved and sized back into its setting. This type of maintenance tree surgery is more cost effective than complete felling and provides alternative options that retain our valuable green assets.
If you would like to discuss options for your large or encroaching tree please call or WhatsApp Simon at Oak Leaf Tree Surgery, based near North Walsham.
Ash die back disease (ADD) is caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. Across Norfolk our ash trees are suffering and many are not surviving beyond four years after infection, sadly many need to be felled. The wood becomes brittle and the tree can break apart making it incredibly dangerous, not only to people but their property. This photo is of an ash tree that sadly needed to be felled. There is hope though, some mature ash trees have been observed to recover and live on after infection. These trees that survive the infection will be the future ash tree of our local landscape. We can identify infection markers on your ash trees and able to routinely monitor for signs of recovery or decay.
This summer has seen record temperatures reached across the British isles and the very dry conditions we’ve seen crops suffer and in some places hosepipe bans have already started.
A mature cherry at this Norfolk cottage gives midday shade to an outside seating area. It is important to think ahead or future proof when planting trees, giving large species plenty of room from buildings. The tree above could benefit from a crown reduction to manage the size & height, whilst still getting the benefit of summertime shade.
The key role of trees has been recognised for many years in places were these environmental extremes are common place. In the Carolinas, USA, residents are encouraged to plant deciduous trees on the south and west side of their properties to help shade and moderate temperatures in their homes. Temperatures can be an impressive 2-9 degrees cooler with trees planted.
The effect is not just from the shade the trees cast but also the effect of the evapo-transpiration as water is pumped through the plant.
On macro scale cities, with large areas of asphalt, hard landscaping and built structures the sun’s heat is captured, stored and reflected back into the streets, this creates the urban heat island effect. Trees are increasingly seen as critical in making cities more habitable and moderating temperatures.
Tree are important in built-up urban area and have many practical benefits as well as aesthetic appeal for residents.
Trees take years to grow and the maximum benefit are seen from large canopy trees, it’s said the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the second best time is now!
Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote – 07920 067617
The harsh wind and snowy conditions when the beast from the east struck earlier this year left many plants wind scorched, ragged, but worse still, dead!
More tender plants didn’t make it but before you remove anything do a quick test to see if things may recover; gently scrape your thumb nail on a twiggy bit of growth to see if under the fine bark there’s green or moist wood. This will be a good indicator for the sap rising and the tree or shrub being alive.
For evergreen trees and shrubs that are looking tatty, make sure they have plenty of TLC over spring with watering through dry weeks and adding a good quality mulch. You may also want to try a light trim to tidy up the shape by removing stragglers and promoting growth.
Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote – 07920 067617
It’s February, Apple trees look dormant at the moment but under the bark, sap will be rising and if you look closely the buds will be swelling, ready to awaken and burst into leaf and flower.
Flower bud is much rounder, leaf bud is pointed and flatter on the stem
In flower, a tree expends a lot of energy and it is at this time when the tree is at its most vulnerable, and susceptible to pest and disease. Once the tree is in flower it is not recommended to undertake work, the exception being if the tree presents an overriding safety issue.
Stems with a tight union can break apart, wider unions are structurally stronger.
Pruning a tree when it is dormant removes the least amount of energy producing tissue and arguably causes the least amount of stress to the tree. It is important to think about what you are trying to achieve when you plan to prune your tree, ideally you want a good scaffold branch structure, remove dead or diseased tissue and think about how you will harvest fruit. If the fruit is very high up in the canopy you may need to think about how to safely retrieve it and more comprehensive crown reduction work.
Japanese tripod ladders are the safest, most stable and most practical tree pruning ladder. They are ideal for topiary, fruit tree pruning, fruit picking and hedge work. Niwaki Tripod Ladders have a wide base, deep steps and telescopic back leg, as well as clawed feet and flat top make them incredibly safe and easy to use. Rather like the design of the Eiffel tower, your weight is directed downwards and outwards, pinning the ladder to the ground.
It is important to get the branch structure right early on, for young trees and newly planted stock, you should look to remove co-dominant stems or those that have a very narrow union. There is new thinking about cross branches, that some should be retained as they act as a natural brace, but if you want to achieve an open canopy that is easily accessible think about access to the inner branch structure of the tree.
Fewer cuts, with the smallest amount of surface area will be easier for the tree to heal, very large cuts into old wood can lead to decay establishing and eventually lead to structural weakness. This is the primary reason young tree maintenance is so important to get right.
Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote – 07920 067617
Cypress Tree damages neighbours property in 2018 storm.
The Cypress Tree is known to most as ‘Leydandii’ and can grow to heights of around 20m tall (to give this height perspective an average two story house is around 7m). Cypress Trees (×Cuprocyparis leylandii) have an extraordinary growth rate of around 90cm per year. For such a big, fast growing tree their roots are relatively shallow. The dense and heavy evergreen foliage acts as a wind break and can ‘wind throw’ the tree in strong gusts.
The wind thrown Cypress Tree which caused property damage to neighbours. The second large Cypress Tree was removed shortly afterward.
The Cypress Tree pictured above was around 20 years old and planted within a very close proximity to buildings. The tree was wind thrown in 2018 storms causing damage to a neighbours property when it fell. Trees on neighbouring boundaries can evoke strong emotions. We always try and retain trees where possible by using reduction & thinning techniques but sometimes trees out grow their location and have to be removed for safety.
High hedges
What may start off as a quick hedging fix, to screen neighbours or a road, can rapidly turn into a gigantic tree.
‘Leylandii’ or Leyland Cypress is now the best selling plant in garden centres across Britain. With little or no pruning your hedge will quickly reach over 2m tall, legislation governing high hedges now gives people whose gardens are affected by tall hedges rights under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003: Part 8 which came into force on 1 June 2005.
Your local council will offer advice regarding the high hedges legislation.
Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can remove oversized Leylandii / Cypress trees or carry out regular hedge cutting to maintain a reasonable size and avoid unsightly dead patches.
Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote – 07920 067617
Is your tree in falling distance of a road, property or public area? Would you just like some peace of mind your tree is healthy? The decayed tree pictured recently fell in storm winds onto a public highway. Decay is not always obvious to the untrained eye. It may affect the trees stability and structural integrity especially in strong winds.
Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can help identify disease, pest or fungus that will detrimentally affect your trees health. Identifying problems early can prevent storing them up for a windy day.
Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote – 07920 067617
The Met Office has forecast a Weather Warning for VERY strong winds across Norfolk for Wednesday night and into Thursday 18th January. With wind speeds of up to 54mph.
Weak and vulnerable trees are particularly at risk in high winds. Damage to a tree maybe obvious and require, in extreme circumstances, total removal. Split or damaged limbs are a frequent occurrence too in storm winds. These will need Tree Surgery to prevent further damage to the Tree, Property & People. Sometimes tree damage is not obvious, we can offer peace of mind tree health checks.
Oak Leaf Tree Surgery is fully insured and can advise or the best course of action for your tree after storm winds.
FREE no obligation tree surgery Quotes, text or call 07920 067617 or 01692 650910
Winter Tree maintenance is an ideal time of year for Crown Reductions. The trees growth will of slowed and there’s less weight and debris from the leafless limbs.
This customers Sycamore tree had got too large
threatening the overhead power lines and blocking light from adjacent buildings.
Retaining trees, where possible, is always desirable as they offer an important feature in our Norfolk landscape. With regular and knowledgeable Tree maintenance, buildings and trees can co-exist happily together.
Oak Leaf Tree Surgery can give you a Free, No Obligation Norfolk Tree Surgery Quote – 07920 067617
Qualified tree Surgeon, Simon Gerrard, can offer emergency tree surgery within Norfolk. Call or text 07920 067617 and we will respond to your emergency as quickly as possible.
We know how stressful a Tree Surgery Emergency can be, especially if it has damaged property or is blocking access routes. Simon is very experienced in dealing with emergency tree work (having served for many years in Norwich City Council Tree department on many a dark stormy night!) Simon has come across a very broad spectrum of tree work and can competently deal with your emergency, safely.
Carrying Public Liability Insurance and holding certifications of competence and ability you’ll be in safe hands 07920 067617.