The byproduct of Tree Surgery is mulch. Mulch is made when tree debris is put through a machine called a chipper. The chipper reduces the debris volume by smashing it into smaller pieces. This makes transporting waste off site more efficient.
Mulch is organic and full of nutrients. It can have many uses for the cottage gardener in providing a weed barrier on flower or vegetable beds. It can also be used when planting new hedges or trees as the mulch slowly degrades it enriches the soil whilst surprising weed growth.
Mulch is very effective in combating mud on pathways, paddock gateways & in animal enclosures. It helps keep areas cleaner, drier and more hygienic. It is also a cost effective alternative to plastic grass matting & concreting.
Call Today for a Garden Mulch delivery quote from Oak Leaf Tree Surgery 07920 067617.