Stalham Tree Surgery

Based just a few miles away from Stalham in Norfolk. Simon Gerrard is a LOCAL, qualified, professional tree surgeon.  Understanding your local area.

With different soil types across Norfolk; from heavy clay to marshy wet areas and then free draining sandy soil you see the landscapes differ, sometimes parish to parish, with some species thriving where others fail.  You can see how biodiversity has adapted to the local environment.

Stalham for example is a little town on the Northern tip of the Norfolk Broads.  Stalham Staithe, just over the A149 bypass has the inland waterways of the Norfolk Broads. There are many species of trees which thrive in the damp & water logged soil such as Willow (Salix alba) and Alder (Alnus glutinosa).  These have been planted in areas to help retain river banks.

In areas of Stalham, away from the waterways, where the water table is lower you can see a broader range of tree & plant species.  St Mary’s Church on Stalham High Street and Stalham High School have fantastic examples of mature ‘Kanzan’ Cherry Trees and are laden with big, blousy, pink cherry blossom in the Spring.

How to Improve Cherry Blossom; the key is correct pruning and good tree health care. Removing undesirable growth – low or very tall branches to give the tree a balanced and good shape. Removing dead and diseased branches helps the tree stay healthy. Examine your flowering cherry tree each year for blossom end wilt or leaf curl.

Simon is able to help advise if you are unsure.  Text or Give us a Bell Now for your Free No Obligation Tree Quote  – 07920 067617

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